Monday 21 July 2014

Ruby Cucumber Online Training in USA , UK, UAE and CANADA

Cucumber is a tool that executes plain text functional descriptions as automated tests which written in a behavior-driven development (BDD)style. The language that Cucumber understands is called Ruby. Cucumber projects are available in other platforms in addition Ruby. Some use Ruby Cucumber with a bridge into the target language.Others use the Gherkin parser but implement everything else in the target language. Cucumber allows the execution of feature documentation written in business-facing text.

Cucumber is a under rapid development, but it is already a useful part of testing toolbox. Beyond integrating with RSpec and Rails, it works with Merb, Sinatra, and the Webrat web-testing framework  (as well as, of course, pure Ruby projects). This also has translations into 20 languages and the ability to run FIT-style tabular tests. If you are looking for a higher level of abstraction in your tests tool, Cucumber is definitely worth checking out.While Cucumber can be said as a “testing” tool, the purpose of the tool is to support BDD. This means that the “tests” (plain text feature descriptions with scenarios) are typically written before anything else and verified by business analysts, domain experts, etc. non technical stakeholders.The production code is then written outside-in, to make the stories pass.Cucumber itself is written in Ruby, but it can be used to “test” code written in Ruby or other languages including but not limited to Java, C# and Python. Cucumber only requires minimal use of Ruby programming and Ruby is easy, so don’t be afraid even if the code you’re developing in is not Ruby.

There are several ways to get yourself started in writing tests, depending somewhat on the architecture of your application. Digest Cucumber Backgrounder first (especially if you work with Rails). Then you might want to read more about Gherkin, the Cucumber language and peek into specific topics (below) regarding the various aspects of setting up Cucumber. Cucumber and other languages :Java Virtual Machine: Cucumber-JVM,.NET (Microsoft.NET and Mono): IronRuby and  .NET, IronRuby and Mono,Adobe Flex: FunFX, Melomel,Python,Perl: Test::BDD::Cucumber Test::Pcuke,Erlang: cucumberl, kucumberl,PHP: Behat (with Mink for browser testing).If you decide you want to add a new feature or fix a bug, start by writing a new feature or scenario that describes how the feature should work. Don’t write any code (yet).Now run the features again. The one you wrote should have yellow, pending steps – or failing, red ones. (If you don’t get that you’re doing something wrong, or the feature is already implemented).This is when you start writing code. Start by writing a couple of lines of code to address the failure you got from Cucumber. Run cucumber again. Repeat and rinse until you’re happy with your feature. When you get down to nitty gritty details, drop down one abstraction level and use RSpec, or any Ruby testing framework, to write some specs/tests for your classes. Write the specs first! If you follow this process you have a good guard against brittle, unmaintainable, undocumented code that nobody understands.

Cucumber is allows you to write feature documentation in Plain Text. That means you could sit with your Client or Business Analyst to write down the features to be build on your application.

Ruby Cucumber Online Training by Iq Online Trainings. We are providing excellent Ruby Cucumber Training by real-time IT industry experts Our training methodology is very unique Our Course Content covers all the in-depth critical scenarios. We have completed more than 200 Ruby Cucumber batches through Online Ruby Cucumber Training program, Our Ruby Cucumber Classes covers all the real time scenarios, and its completely on Hands-on for each and every session.

Ruby Cucumber Online Training Concepts :

Ruby Language Skills and Techniques
Objects, variables, and methods
Classes and modules
Built-in classes
Blocks and iterators
Introduction to Cucumber

Please call us for the Demo Classes we have regular batches and weekend batches.
Contact Number : India :+91 9573481637,USA:+1 732-475-4280
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